The combination salt shaker and pepper mill features a salt shaker on the top and a high quality ceramic pepper grinder on the bottom. The upper knob on the mill sets the coarseness of the pepper grinder. When the knob is unscrewed, you have access to both the salt reservoir and the peppercorn reservoir.The mill are 6″tall and roughly 2.75″ in diameter.
Currently available combination salt shaker and pepper mills
- Spectraply combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($45)
- Spectraply combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($45)
- Spectraply combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($45)
- Spectraply combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($45)
- Cherry, green veneer, padauk, maple, bloodwood, blue veneer, bocote and black walnut combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($50)
- Black walnut, padauk, blue veneer, chakte viga, teak and maple combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($50)
- Black walnut, bloodwood, bocote, green veneer, white oak, chakte viga and maple combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($50)
- Black walnut, bubinga, green veneer, purpleheart,blue veneer, padauk, yellowheart and cherry combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($50)
- Sycamore combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($45)
- Ambrosia maple combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($45)
- Rainbow poplar combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($45)
- Flamewood combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($45)
- Spalted beech combination salt shaker and peppermill ($45)
- Black walnut, yellowheart, teak,maple and carribean rosewood laminated combination salt shaker and pepper mill ($45)