We have added this page to include links to websites that are of interest to woodturners, wood artists and to a shop that displays some of  our work.

American Association of Woodturners (AAW). The AAW is the national organization for woodturners. I encourage you to join the AAW if you are a woodturner. https://www.woodturner.org/

Central New England Woodturners (CNEW). CNEW is a chapter of the AAW that meets on the first Thursday of every month. Currently our meetings are not in person due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. CNEW, which was founded in 1987, was one of the first chapters of AAW and has members from Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. https://cnew.org/

Segmented Woodturners.  The Segmented Woodturners is an online chapter of the AAW that specializes in segmented woodturning. https://segmentedwoodturners.org/home/about/bod/

JDaniel Woodart Studio. The author of this blog (Jeff Daniel) is a wood artist whose blog includes articles on artist education, collector education, home styling and tools and equipment.  https://woodart.studio

John Beaver’s Woodturning website. John Beaver developed the wave bowl. His website contains a large collection of photographs of his work. https://www.johnbeaver.net/

Tower Hill Botanic Garden.
We were contacted in the summer of 2019 by Tower Hill Botanic Garden to make a collection of bowls and wooden pens from apple trees that were part of the Tower Hill Botanic Garden orchard of heirloom apple trees. The orchard has now been replanted. The Gift Shop at Tower Hill Botanic Gardens is selling peppermills, ice cream scoops and bottle stoppers that we made using apple wood from the orchard. https://towerhillbg.org/