Our wooden plates are intended to be beautiful and functional. For plates we choose pieces of wood that have exceptional figure or unusual color. The typical color for poplar is cream with streaks of light green or tan. “Rainbow poplar” occurs when a poplar tree grows in a swampy environment, the wood acquires a “mineral stain” from the groundwater resulting in red, purple, orange and black streaks.
Photographs of new plates will be posted later in 2022.
Currently available plates
- Cedar of Lebanon plate (11.25″ diameter, $70)
Selected plates that are no longer available
- Brazilian cherry, fiddleback maple, colored epoxy cattail plate (10″ diamter)
- Rainbow poplar plate (9″ diameter)
- Rainbow poplar plate (9″ dimater)
- Fiddleback maple plate
- Spalted maple plate (12″ x 2″)
- Black walnut plate (10″ diameter)