“Southwest Style” Bowls
“Southwest Style” segmented bowls and hollow forms were made popular by Ray Allen. The first “how-to” book we purchased to learn how to make segmented woodturnings was Ray Allen’s book. “Southwest style” segmented bowls often contain a central feature ring that uses southwestern motifs. Since Reid is from New Mexico, most of our first segmented turnings were “Southwest style”.
Currently available “Southwest Style” bowls
Spalted maple, black walnut, honey locust and black locust (11″x7″, $250)
Selected bowls that are no longer available
Segmented Maple Bowl with Laminated Feature Rink(~15″ diameter, ~8″ tall)
Top view of the same bowl
Cherry,maple, bloodwood, yellowheart and ebony hollow form with a Chimayo-rug feature ring (~9″X 7″)
Cherry,maple, bloodwood and black walnut bowl with Southwest style feature ring (~16″ diameter)
Maple, yellowheart, purpleheart, black walnut and ebony (~15″ diameter, ~8″ tall)