“Southwest Style” segmented bowls and hollow forms were made popular by Ray Allen. The first “how-to” book we purchased to learn how to make segmented woodturnings was Ray Allen’s book. “Southwest style” segmented bowls often contain a central feature ring that uses southwestern motifs. Since Reid is from New Mexico, most of our first segmented turnings were “Southwest style”.
Currently available “Southwest Style” bowls
- Spalted maple, black walnut, honey locust and black locust (11″x7″, $250)
Selected bowls that are no longer available
- Segmented Maple Bowl with Laminated Feature Rink(~15″ diameter, ~8″ tall)
- Top view of the same bowl
- Cherry,maple, bloodwood, yellowheart and ebony hollow form with a Chimayo-rug feature ring (~9″X 7″)
- Cherry,maple, bloodwood and black walnut bowl with Southwest style feature ring (~16″ diameter)
- Maple, yellowheart, purpleheart, black walnut and ebony (~15″ diameter, ~8″ tall)